Perspectives and Zoom

There is a famous location in Brooklyn, on Washington Street in DUMBO, where the Manhattan Bridge tower frames the Empire States Building. It isn't quite Leaning Tower of Pisa, but there are enough tourists posing for photographs to slow car traffic and produce a curious scene when viewed from above: The view of skyscraper framed... Continue Reading →


Photos from a 2019 trip to Algeria, specifically part of a day trip from El Bayadh to Ain Sefra and back, stopping in the Ksar de Boussemghoun (more links here) on the way. The city dates back over a thousand years and played host to religious conferences in the middle ages. The following images are... Continue Reading →

The Pushcart War

I came across a recent prompt asking "what is your favorite book about NYC?" Mine is the The Pushcart War by Jean Merrill (1964), a children's book I first red in 4th grade and probably my first exposure to New York City. The book has plenty of fans, its own New Yorker profile from 2014,... Continue Reading →

New York Harbor

Following on from the Red Hook Pier photos from Halloween, I am posting a few other images of New York harbor. All images are from 2019 - the first six are from late May and the last two are from early June. The air is visibly much cleaner in the first photos; the views towards... Continue Reading →

NYC Neighborhood Mapping

Last week's post on the NYC lampshade showed not-quite-finished work, but work that had been refined and recreated in a long process of sketching and tracing while exploring typography and legibility. I wanted to share the process tracings, to show the different aesthetic directions driven by handwriting choices. It felt freeing to draw and explore... Continue Reading →

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